The significance of a SEPTEMBER 26 birthday and your future
September 26 VS Libra
The charm and diplomacy of those born on this date mask a fiercely competitive nature. Outwardly you seem calm and relaxed, yet a steely determination lurks beneath the surface of your easygoing personality . Shrewd and insightful, you're willing to work extra hard in pursuit of your goals. You crave material success and recognition for your accomplishments, and you will almost certainly find a way to get them. Concerned for the welfare of the less fortunate, you manage to be sympathetic and helpful without losing sight of your own agenda and objectives.
September 26th people are intuitive, persuasive, and understanding, as well as practical and clear thinking. You possess both the human touch and the ability to grasp technical details. Although you have a definite flair for business and commerce, your idealism and artistic temperament suggest that you may be better fulfilled in a creative career in the professions, athletics, or the arts. Fields usually associated with this birthday include music, acting, writing, filmmaking, architecture, teaching, psychological counseling, law, social services, diplomacy, and government service.
Your amiable nature, genial disposition, and willingness to compromise make you fairly easy to get along with. In a close relationship, you're capable of total loyalty and devotion to the right person. You may long for a permanent union, but you're so focused on personal goals that it could take quite awhile before you decide to settle down.
How to wish happy birthday to my aunty
1. I wish Aunty a happy birthday! May your smile always be bright and your life always happy.
2. Happy birthday, aunty! May your birthday be full of warmth and joy, and happiness be by your side.
3. Dear Aunty, I wish you a happy birthday, happiness always by your side, and joy always around you!
4. On this special day, may the happy sunshine fill your world, Aunty, happy birthday, the future is promising!
5. I send my endless thoughts on a white cloud and my gentle blessings on a gentle breeze. Happy birthday, aunty!
The ups and downs of your temperament are caused by an alternating current of goodwill and dominance in your makeup. At times, you cannot do enough for other people, especially the members of your family; at other times, it seems as though you had an imaginary whip in your hand and were trying to beat everyone around you into submission to your will. You can also be very impulsive, and on the spur of the moment you can make some terrifically generous gesture or some terrifically insulting remark. You are very sure of yourself, and as a result of your self-confidence, you have little or no use for people who cannot make up their minds. Acclaim for your personal achievements is your aim in life. You want to be noticed, and not for mere notoriety’s sake, but for the sake of recognition of what you have achieved. Therefore, you work hard to do things better than others, and you push yourself forward so that fame and fortune may eventually be yours.
You have considerable talent for making an impression. You are energetic, ambitious, and positive, but sometimes obstinate. You will yield to love and persuasion, but you refuse to be dictated to. Your circle of friends is large, and your entertaining presence is always desired at any social function.
The Saturn rays of your birthday indicate opportunities to show your real work and gain the assistance or blessings of people who are in authority. Be purposeful and steadfast; you should have no reason to resent the time devoted to your responsibilities. Loyalty and fidelity can pay as rich a dividend as a cash investment, insofar as satisfaction to you. Ignore useless worry and concern over trivialities. Look ahead with faith and confidence, and you will be rewarded.
You are sincere, thorough, and businesslike. There is a powerful impetus working within you, urging you on to higher and nobler things. You are a person of faith, and all nature seems to show you the work of a master hand. You could write well, and you love every aspect of technology and entertainment that brings the world together. You enjoy travel but love your own home, and after you have seen a good deal of the world, you tire of it and come back home for rest and comfort. With a good deal of personal magnetism and charm, you are in love with loving. The world in turn finds you attractive, and you will spend more time than most satisfying your desires. You must be very careful that your attempt to have a good time is not misinterpreted as offensive.
You are a born leader, and any other position will not bring as much success. Follow the calling, and you will rise to great heights.
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