The significance of a APRIL 3 birthday and your future
April 3 VS Aries
The exuberant, charismatic rams born on this day have the sort of universal appeal that makes them welcon1e wherever they go. Your eternally youthful outlook and bubbling personality exude sparks of life. You're such a delightful companion that you just can't help attracting friends and admirers. You love people and truly enjoy the interaction of lively social gatherings, yet you value your freedom and independence above all else. A consummate bundle of energy, you always seem to be on your way to or from someplace new and exciting. You're not afraid to take risks, because you believe that things will work out your way-and they usually do.
Aries, when combined with the number three, produce multi-talented, hard working, and ambitious individuals. This makes you a natural leader with a genuine distaste for occupying subordinate positions. Charm, intelligence, foresight, and versatility make it easy for you to climb the ladder of success. You're best known for your strong powers of persuasion and your ability to communicate your ideas to others. You like to talk and exchange information and will rarely pass up a chance to join a spirited debate or discussion.
In intimate relationships, you're ardent, straightforward, and sincere, but you fall in and out of love rather easily. Since you prefer variety and excitement to safety and security, fidelity is probably not your strongest suit.
What to say thank you for birthday wishes
1. Every greeting makes me feel the warmth of home.
2. Thank you for making me feel so happy on my birthday.
3. May our friendship become more mellow like fine wine.
4. Sharing every moment with you is my greatest happiness.
5. Thank you for your wishes, they made my birthday so memorable.
You can make your life just about anything you desire because you have imagination plus practicality in your makeup. You see ahead with great clarity of vision, and you can tell people what the outcome of events will be long before they are definitely decided. Once in a while, you go off on a tangent because it seems that the events in your life are either boring or repetitious. Since you understand that you are doing this for the purpose of breaking up the monotony of daily routine, no harm is likely to come of it. But do not inflict any bursts of temper on your loved ones if you can help it, because this would not be fair. An important facet of your true nature is your psychic intuition. This is really highly developed in you, and you may well depend upon it to guide you through moments of indecision or doubt.
You will secure the greatest degree of happiness if you know how to value your long-standing relationships. Your temperament is such that early in life you will have to develop positive habits and later in life you will not have as much adaptability. Your perseverance and steadiness will bring you much success where impulsive action would bring more failure.
Your quiet and unassuming appearance will belie your aggressive and tenacious actions. Your sense of humor will always carry you over a few bad moments. You will generally prefer to see the funny side of a situation even though you understand its serious implications. A philosophical attitude combined with your own capability will enable you to combat disappointments and temporary setbacks successfully.
You have a naturally kind and sympathetic disposition, but you give yourself rather too freely to others, who often impose upon you in return and do not fully appreciate what you do or the sacrifices you make for them. You are a good and true friend. You have many talents; you are naturally enthusiastic and eager to learn; and you are independent, choosing not to follow rules and regulations simply because they are accepted and universal. You are extremely critical but have a fair and open mind.
You secretly have a tendency toward moodiness and over-reflection, which frequently arrests action. Try to cultivate the implementation of your ideas.
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